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Automount windows share in ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I know there are many threads about it on the internet, I tried many of them, but I swear, none solved my problem :(

I work on a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and we have a Windows server where there is a shared folder which we use as a server for development.

I researched a lot and got the following configuration to mount the shared folder:


//ip/shared_folder ubuntu_folder cifs credentials=/home/ubuntu_user/.smbcredentials,uid=windows_user,domain=workgroup,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,sec=ntlm 0 0



If I type

sudo mount -a

all works fine, and I have my mounted windows shared folders.

My problem is that every time I reboot, I need to do sudo mount -a.

I've tried several different ways to do this, but none worked. I need these folders to be mounted before any user logs in.

What am I doing wrong?

To summarise this question: is there any way to mount without being in the sudoers?


  • I finally found the solution:

    I created a task in the session applications

    bash /home/MYUSER/

    And in my file, I added the lines

    echo "MYPASS" | sudo -S sleep 10 && sudo mount -a -S

    Probably not the best solution or the most correct, but it worked.

    Sorry for English