I am new to R programming. I've generated a hierarchical time series using the hts package.I need to plot time series in each hierarchy separately using dygraphs.
abc <- ts(5 + matrix(sort(rnorm(1000)), ncol = 10, nrow = 100))
colnames(abc) <- c("A10A", "A10B", "A10C", "A20A", "A20B",
"B30A", "B30B", "B30C", "B40A", "B40B")
y <- hts(abc, characters = c(1, 2, 1))
fcasts1 <- forecast(y, method = "bu" ,h=4, fmethod = "arima",
parallel = TRUE)
I keep getting this error message ,
Error in UseMethod("as.xts") :
no applicable method for 'as.xts' applied to an object of class "c('gts', 'hts')"
Is there a solution for this issue ?Maybe if someone could tell me how to put the variables right in dygraph.
It is not possible to directly plot hts objects using dygraph. What you need to do is convert the hts$bts object into a matrix and then convert into a normal time series using ts() function.
Here is an example I've worked out.
abc <- ts(5 + matrix(sort(rnorm(1000)), ncol = 10, nrow = 100))
colnames(abc) <- c("A10A", "A10B", "A10C", "A20A", "A20B",
"B30A", "B30B", "B30C", "B40A", "B40B")
y <- hts(abc, characters = c(1, 2, 1))
fcasts1 <- forecast.gts(y, method = "bu" ,h=4, fmethod = "arima",
parallel = TRUE)
ts1 <- as.matrix(fcasts1$bts)
ts1 <- ts(ts1,start = c(2016,3), frequency = 12)
dygraph(ts1[,"A10A"],main='Sample dygraph ',ylab = 'Demand')