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How to show Vimeo videos in my own app

I have an app for Android and iPhone where we want to create a page with some videos for the user to see (instructions). These videos are all on Vimeo (you can see them here).

I understand that I cannot get the url to the "real" media file - and therefore cannot use the <VideoPlayer> control. I have tried to set up a simple <Webview> to show the video in a similar fashion as on the web page I referenced above. This seems to work on Android - but for iPhone it just doesn't appear... This is a snippet of the code:

    <View class="formRow">
        <WebView html="<html><body><iframe src='' width='320' height='240' frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></body></html>"></WebView>

If I put a simple link on the same page:

    <View class="formRow">
        <WebView html="<a href=''>Se video</a>"></WebView>>

... then I can press that link and then watch the video - so the format for playing should be Ok.

Any insights/suggestions would be appreciated :-)



  • Ok, this is a little odd... When trying Shawn's suggestion I had left my own attempts in there as well - and the line I had shown in my question actually works now!

    <View class="formRow">
        <WebView html="<html><body><iframe src='' width='320' height='240' frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></body></html>"></WebView>

    I cannot explain why... However, I did add the last three attributes in my last attempt prior to asking here. I can only guess that somehow they did not take effect when I tried it. It doesn't seem to matter if I reference the video using http or https, so I have ended up using https.

    But to sum up - the above markup seems to show the video player correctly for Android as well as iPhone :-)
