I have a app for mobile that is build using AppPresser plugin of WordPress. To generate apk or ipa file I am using Phonegap Build site that provide facility to upload zip folder with source code and returns the .apk
and .ipa
files for Android and Apple.
Now, I am getting .apk
file properly for Android but to get .ipa
file, this phonegap require the apple account integrated with it.
So, to integrate this account I have generated .p12
file and now trying to get provisioning profile
file. I am on the page of Register an App ID of apple and get stuck at first field of Name
. Please check below image.
First part of name
is Team Id and second part is Bundle ID. I have googled and checked many docs. Found how to get bundle Id. It can be get from emulator of project on MAC machine.
But my problem is that, I am not developing project through MAC, so how would I get this bundle ID to complete this field with correct value ?
Please help.
You have to add your app name their .
eg :- Whatsapp.
Don't add bundle id in the name of the app.