I have an input schema (input_schema) as such:
Each one of child nodes to the ContactNo can only occur once (one Contact_1, one Contact_2 and one Contact_3). I need to apply some business logic for the Contact-Type, SubType to construct the Contact-No, but my question is how best would you map this structure across to the relevant out_put schema nodes (these nodes are max occurs 20) but can only have a max of three based on the input_schema schema structure below:
Sample Input/Output
<Contact-CountyCode />
<Contact-SubType />
<Contact-CountyCode />
<Contact-CountyCode />
<MobileTelephone />
Currently I am checking Contact-Type (=Home) then mapping the output through a value mapper to a script functoid for data confirmation before mapping the output. This seems to be causing duplicate nodes.
Have you considered using XSLT in your mapping? Not only a lot easier to use than the BizTalk mapper, also a lot more flexible and widely used (you can use XSLT natively in a lot of products).
An appropriate XSLT would result in something like the following:
<xsl:for-each select="ContactNo/*">
<xsl:if test="position() < 4">
<xsl:when test="Contact-Type/text() = 'WORK'">
<xsl:value-of select="Contact-No/text()" />
<xsl:when test="Contact-Type/text() = 'HOME'">
<xsl:value-of select="Contact-No/text()" />
<xsl:when test="Contact-Type/text() = 'MOBILE'">
<xsl:value-of select="Contact-No/text()" />
This should loop through the first 3 contacts and list them accordingly.
Let me know if this suits your needs.
Disclaimer: haven't tested this out due to time constraints, beware of syntax and typing mistakes. Also I know you were asking for the mapper, I just am convinced the mapper is utterly inferior to the native xslt approach.