About once every few months I have to put days and hours in getting Chrome Developer Tools
to work again with Cordova/Crosswalk
App on real devices.
Please note:
(too many newbie questions driving out more specific ones) RTFM
(Cordova docs suck for advanced usage; troubleshooting not really exists)What I tried/checked:
XWalkPreferences.setValue(XWalkPreferences.REMOTE_DEBUGGING, true)
in Android Manifest: <application android:debuggable="true" ...>
adb devices
lists device:
C:\Users\abcdefg>adb devices
List of devices attached
0123456789ABCDEF device
lists Chrome Pages on device, but not Cordova-Crosswalk-App (which was running in foreground when screen was shot):
chrome://inspect/#devices Screenshot
I'm running out of ideas.
Is there something else to check? Anyone having similar problems?
I followed @Tasos advice to check for latest phone drivers. I never changed them manually, but after I deinstalled the current driver it worked again like a charm. (no reboot after deinstalling done)
For anyone having similar issues:
Run through my checklist.
If everything seems fine but it's still not working: deinstall phone drivers.
If still no good, reboot.
If still no good, install the latest manufacturer drivers.
If still no good, you probably have another problem.
I followed @Tasos advice to check for latest phone drivers. I never changed them manually, but after I deinstalled the current driver it worked again like a charm. (no reboot after deinstalling done)
For anyone having similar issues: