Fibonacci heaps are efficient in an amortized sense, but how efficient are they in the worst case? Specifically, what is the worst-case time complexity of each of these operations on an n-node Fibonacci heap?
The find-min operation on a Fibonacci heap always takes worst-case O(1) time. There's always a pointer maintained that directly points to that object.
The cost of a delete-min, in the worst-case, takes time Θ(n). To see this, imagine starting with an empty heap and doing a series of n insertions into it. Each node will be stored in its own tree, and doing a delete-min the heap will coalesce all these objects into O(log n) trees, requiring Θ(n) work to visit all the nodes at least once.
The cost of an insertion is worst-case O(1); this is just creating a single node and adding it to the list. A merge is similarly O(1) since it just splices two lists together.
The cost of a decrease-key in the worst case is Θ(n). It's possible to build a degenerate Fibonacci heap in which all the elements are stored in a single tree consisting of a linked list of n marked nodes. Doing a decrease-key on the bottommost node then triggers a run of cascading cuts that will convert the tree into n independent nodes.