I wish to know how many styles does OpenCV have for drawing detections. I wish know how to draw the rectangle like in this image:
OpenCV doesn't provide styles. You can only draw a rectangle with a given color, with 4/8 connected or with anti-aliasing points, with a given thickness.
You can, however, simply draw 8 lines recovering the coordinates from the rectangle:
The code is pretty straightforward:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
void drawDetection(Mat3b& img, const Rect& r, Scalar color = Scalar(0,255,0), int thickness = 3)
int hor = r.width / 7;
int ver = r.height / 7;
// Top left corner
line(img, r.tl(), Point(r.x, r.y + ver), color, thickness);
line(img, r.tl(), Point(r.x + hor, r.y), color, thickness);
// Top right corner
line(img, Point(r.br().x - hor, r.y), Point(r.br().x, r.y), color, thickness);
line(img, Point(r.br().x, r.y + ver), Point(r.br().x, r.y), color, thickness);
// Bottom right corner
line(img, Point(r.br().x, r.br().y - ver), r.br(), color, thickness);
line(img, Point(r.br().x - hor, r.br().y), r.br(), color, thickness);
// Bottom left corner
line(img, Point(r.x, r.br().y - ver), Point(r.x, r.br().y), color, thickness);
line(img, Point(r.x + hor, r.br().y), Point(r.x, r.br().y), color, thickness);
int main()
// Load image
Mat3b img = imread("path_to_image");
// Your detection
Rect detection(180, 160, 220, 240);
// Custom draw
drawDetection(img, detection);
imshow("Detection", img);
return 0;