I am trying to find a one-line option to assign factor levels within a sequence of %>% commands.
My strategy for doing this was to run a sequence of functions on .
that yields the ordered factor levels I am interested in. This results in "Error: 'match' requires vector arguments"
, while evaluating without using . yields the appropriate levels.
data = data.frame(variable = LETTERS[c(1:4,2:4,3:4)])
data %>% count(variable) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %$% variable
# returns C D B A
data %>% mutate(variable = factor(variable, levels = . %>% count(variable) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %$% variable))
# Error: 'match' requires vector arguments
Can anyone think of a better way to do this, or shed some light on my error?
How about this
data %>%
mutate(variable = factor(variable,
levels = variable %>%
table() %>%
data.frame() %>%
arrange(-Freq) %>%
select(1) %>% unlist()))