I have a data set containing about 20 samples and 4 features.enter image description here I wanted to create a model using multinom(). But this function returns about 50 coefficients with strange names.
>model <- multinom(types ~ LD1+LD2+LD3+LD4, t)
> colnames(coef(model))
[1] "(Intercept)" "LD1-0.924675250911259" "LD1-0.996017404791012" "LD1-11.0091236817909" "LD1-11.0470069995094" "LD1-11.1382649674021" "LD1-11.1449776356607"
[8] "LD1-1.11507632119743" "LD1-11.4100167287132" "LD1-1.15405541868851" "LD1-1.42692764536373" "LD11.45075731787807" "LD1-1.562329638922" "LD1-2.03752025992806"
[15] "LD132.7387270807495" "LD133.0932516010117" "LD135.0760659080006" "LD1-3.57028123573125" "LD1-5.22424301205266" "LD1-5.95754635904308" "LD1-6.39430959506567"
[22] "LD1-6.8622462443044" "LD1-7.03073614006179" "LD1-8.00430359650879" "LD1-8.17057054273565" "LD1-9.02013723266161" "LD20.0761110897194115" "LD20.83307548406597"
[29] "LD210.9301821277818" "LD21.2118957034112" "LD2-1.7139684831726" "LD2-1.85478166588227" "LD2-2.11785431701449" "LD2-2.19678883756181" "LD2-2.43688626054258"
[36] "LD22.71656669882489" "LD23.17377132687911" "LD23.25781591451936" "LD2-3.4433493942635" "LD2-3.5203090034966" "LD2-3.71418994994738" "LD2-3.8380001046407"
[43] "LD2-3.87686665511689" "LD2-3.9100454768453" "LD2-3.95942532853135" "LD2-4.04744180009915" "LD2-4.12030177266551" "LD24.17412372599923" "LD24.75169238888003"
[50] "LD2-4.91414969791761" "LD29.19759557325694"
Why is it so and what does it mean?
A multinomial model is an extension of a logistic regression that predicts the probability of each level of your response. So if you have 11 levels, you'll get 10 prediction equations, each with 1 coefficient per predictor. (One level of the response is the baseline.)
In this case, though, you might have another problem. R is treating your LD1 and LD2 predictors as factors even though they appear to be numeric. So you should check that you've imported your data correctly.