Certain searches in Solution Explorer are causing Visual Studio to crash:
Other searches work fine. I have tried rebuilding the solution, resetting all settings, deleting the .suo
When I attach a debugger (new instance of Visual Studio), the Exception Helper says that this is an AggregateException -- not helping at all. I was unable to find further details.
What can I do to debug this?
Had the same problem with my project except the key word was delete
This seemed to solve my problem: Visual Studio 2015 is crashing when searching from Solution Explorer.
I also noticed that it works fine in /SafeMode.
Problem line:
Public Event ObjectDeleted(ByVal aString As String)
The workaround is replace your delegates with event handlers:
Public Delegate Sub MyEventHandler(ByVal s As String)
And use like:
Public Event test As MyEventHandler
I submitted a bug to Microsoft here: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/2449669/visual-studio-crashes-when-you-type-delete-into-the-solution-explorer-search
Also found this error: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/1606999/vs-2015-professional-crash-when-searching-from-solution-explorer
Hope this helps :)