I have a dataframe called article
| processed_title|
|[new, relictual, ...|
|[once, upon,a,time..|
I want to flatten it to get it as bag of words. How could I achieve this using the current situation. I have tried the code below which seems to give me a Type mismatch issue.
val bow_corpus = article.select("processed_title").rdd.flatMap(y => y)
I eventually want to use this bow_corpus to train a word2vec model.
Assuming that processed_title
is represented in SQL as array<string>
There is also Word2Vec
transformer which can be trained directly on a DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.Word2Vec
val word2Vec = new Word2Vec()
word2Vec.findSynonyms("foo", 1)
See also Spark extracting values from a Row