I was wondering if gephi supports importing a cluster file that has the community assignment of each node in a graph on a separate line (similar to the Pajek .clu format)? I am looking for a way to color the nodes belonging to the same community. In igraph (for R), I can import this file and set the vertex color attributes based on it. Was wondering if gephi had a similar feature?
I saw this answer here from over 5 years ago saying that it wasn't possible, was wondering if that had changed now?
The .clu
file contains one line per node with the cluster number at least the example I see here. Gephi cannot import it directly but you can trick it to obtain the same result. Here are the steps I propose:
file with GephiId
column, by clicking on the column name.clu
file with a text editor, even Notepad will doAt the end you should see your Cluster values having the same values as in the .clu
Make sure that the same field delimiter is used throughout in steps 4. and 8. I would suggest to use ;
as Excel directly understands it.
You are welcome to report back if you are still having problems