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Sharing text on Facebook programatically IOS is not possible now

I cannot able to share text on Facebook programatically in swift. See my code please. Here is it,

     let facebookPostAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Share on Facebook", style:              UIAlertActionStyle.Default) 

       { (action) -> Void in

        if      SLComposeViewController.isAvailableForServiceType(SLServiceTypeFacebook) {
            let facebookComposeVC = SLComposeViewController(forServiceType: SLServiceTypeFacebook)


            self.presentViewController(facebookComposeVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
        else {
            self.showAlertMessage("You are not connected to your Facebook account.")


This function at the end says to me on run

facebook share is invalidated

What should I do with this?


  • Facebook has changed policy of sharing, so you need to use their SDK for sharing. Now developers need to install FBSDKShareKit.framework, and simple add button with context information.

    Simple says, you need to add FBSDKShareButton, by the way it extends from UIButton, and set context data to it:

    _fbButton = FBSDKShareButton()
    // setup visual part
    // don't need to add target, facebook's sdk decides action
    // set context data to shareContent button's property
    let fbContent = FBSDKShareLinkContent()
    fbContent.contentURL = value.contentURL
    fbContent.contentTitle = value.contentTitle
    fbContent.contentDescription = value.contentDescription
    fbContent.imageURL = value.imageURL
    _fbButton.shareContent = fbContent

    That's all, facebook's share panel will show with included data after touch up inside this button.