Search code examples

Django: Use MySQL and ElasticSearch in single application

I want to use MySQL and ElasticSearch using Haystack within single Django application. Our's application deals with a huge set of relational data with 300+ tables and MySql is the best choice to serve that. But we want fast searching on few columns of tables with 10 Million+ rows.

Is it possible in Django to use MySQL as primary data storage and use ElasticSearch for search related queries? I searched on internet but couldn't find any related information.

  • If yes, what should be the approach? Any related links or blogs will be very helpful.
  • If not, what should be the alternative approach?


  • Yes, we can configure MySQL and ElasticSearch within a single Django project. Firstly install django-haystack and pyelasticsearch packages from pip.

    sudo pip install django-haystack
    sudo pip install pyelasticsearch 

    In, add 'haystack' to INSTALLED_APPS and configure HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS like:

        'default': {
            'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.elasticsearch_backend.ElasticsearchSearchEngine',
            'URL': 'http://<ip-of-redis-server>:9200/',
            'TIMEOUT': 60 * 5,
            'INDEX_NAME': '<name-of-index>'

    Create a class inheriting hystack.indexes.SearchIndex and hystack.indexes.Indexable classes. In the below sample code, index in created on the fields of MyModelClass model:

    from haystack import indexes
    class MyIndexClass(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable):
        field_1 = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
        field_2 = indexes.CharField(model_attr='field_of_MyModelClass_class')
        field_3 = indexes.CharField(model_attr='field_of_MyModelClass_class')
    def get_model(self):
        return MyModelClass

    Refer HayStack document for further details.