I am trying to code very basic sorting method for linked lists. I am getting unhandled exception. What is the mistake i am making? Here is my code:-
struct LinkedNode// structure for linked list
int data;
struct LinkedNode *next;
}* start = NULL;
following function creates a linked list
void CreateLinkedList()
LinkedNode *newNode, *current;
printf("enter 5 numbers to create linked list\n");
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
newNode = (struct LinkedNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkedNode));
scanf("%d", &newNode->data);
newNode->next = NULL;
if(start == NULL)
start = newNode;
current = newNode;
current->next = newNode;
current = newNode;
following function is used for sorting the linked list nodes
void SortLinkedList()
struct LinkedNode *node=NULL, *temp = NULL;
int tempvar;//temp variable to store node data
node = start;
temp = node->next;//temp node to hold node data and next link
while(node != NULL && node->next != NULL)
for(int j=0; j<5; j++)//value 5 because I am taking only 5 nodes
if(node->data > temp->data)//swap node data
tempvar = node->data;
node->data = temp->data;
temp->data = tempvar;
temp = temp->next;
node = node->next;
Try This code
void SortLinkedList()
struct LinkedNode *node=NULL, *temp = NULL;
int tempvar;//temp variable to store node data
node = start;
//temp = node;//temp node to hold node data and next link
while(node != NULL)
while (temp->next !=NULL)//travel till the second last element
if(temp->data > temp->next->data)// compare the data of the nodes
tempvar = temp->data;
temp->data = temp->next->data;// swap the data
temp->next->data = tempvar;
temp = temp->next; // move to the next element
node = node->next; // move to the next node
1 - outer while loop is use for the total number of pass that will require to sort the linked list..
2- In second while loop we are actually comparing the data of the nodes that we want to sort