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How to call child View method from parent View?

Here is a Child View - Marionette ItemView, and parent presented by Marionette CompositeView! I tried use Backbone.babysitter, but without results

var CheckboxView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
  template: JST["components-checkboxItem"],
  className: "checkbox",
  ui: {
    "checkbox": "#checkbox-item"

  selectAll: function () {
    //do some stuff here (this method should be called from parent)

module.exports = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
  className: 'multiselect',
  template: JST["components-multiselect"],
  childView: CheckboxView,
  childViewContainer: ".checkboxes",

  events: {
    "click .selectAll": "selectAll",
  selectAll: function () {
    //I need to call appropriate child method from here!!!


  • You should be able to invoke it like:"selectAll",1,2); or

    this.children.apply("selectAll",[1,2]); from CompositeView.

    You can find more info at backbone.babysitter which is what marionette is using to handle this