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Does c# have a shorthand "something if (condition);" statement?

Simple and short: does C# have a shorthand if statement similar to Ruby's?

return if (condition)


  • No, it doesn't. The standard way is exactly the same length, so no such shorthand would be justified probably. Consider the usual syntax:

    if (condition) return;

    vs. a hypothetical:

    return if (condition);

    A possible reason for introducting such a 'reverse' syntax would be that the primary intent were expressed first. Because of left-to-right reading, then it would be easier to understand, leading to more readable code.

    From a language design perspective, it would make sense using a different keyword such as when in order to prevent confusing bugs. Consider the following two lines of code:

    return            // missing ; here
    if (condition);   // no warning (except empty 'then' part)

    should probably have been written as:

    return;           // ; here present
    if (condition);   // unreachable code warning here

    From a character-saving perspective, it makes sense in begin … end language. A construct like this:

    if condition begin
        end if;

    would be significantly shorter and probably more readable if written as:

    return when condition;