Simple and short: does C# have a shorthand if
statement similar to Ruby's?
return if (condition)
No, it doesn't. The standard way is exactly the same length, so no such shorthand would be justified probably. Consider the usual syntax:
if (condition) return;
vs. a hypothetical:
return if (condition);
A possible reason for introducting such a 'reverse' syntax would be that the primary intent were expressed first. Because of left-to-right reading, then it would be easier to understand, leading to more readable code.
From a language design perspective, it would make sense using a different keyword such as when
in order to prevent confusing bugs. Consider the following two lines of code:
return // missing ; here
if (condition); // no warning (except empty 'then' part)
should probably have been written as:
return; // ; here present
if (condition); // unreachable code warning here
From a character-saving perspective, it makes sense in begin … end
language. A construct like this:
if condition begin
end if;
would be significantly shorter and probably more readable if written as:
return when condition;