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GitHub > Linking Issues to a Release

I'm currently using GitHub Milestones, to track Issues that I want included in a Release...

Now, that I want to push a new Release, I can't see anyway of linking Issues to a Release (or for that matter, Milestones to a Release).

I was expecting that I could use the GitHub's Releases as a Changelog, so that users could easily see what Issues/Enhancements were fixed/included in a release.

e.g. Version-1.123 contained fixes for Issues #111, #222 and #333.

Does this functionality exist?



  • You can have markdown in the body field of the request.

        POST /repos/:owner/:repo/releases
           "tag_name": "v1.0.0",
           "target_commitish": "master",
           "name": "v1.0.0",
           "body": "* Fixed #1 \r\n * Fixed #2 ",
           "draft": false,
           "prerelease": false

    Will look like:

    enter image description here

    I guess that's what you want.