I have 3 arrays created in the following way:
$start=2013 ;
$query=mysql_query("SELECT tld_master.location,tld_dose.year, AVG(tld_dose.dose)*4 as avgdose from tld_master left join tld_dose on tld_master.tldno=tld_dose.tldno where tld_master.site='F' and tld_dose.year=$year GROUP BY tld_dose.year, tld_dose.tldno");
It creates three arrays y2013,y2014,y2015.
I have to pass this array to jpgrpah to plot a groupbar. New Bra objects are created in this way
for($year=$start;$year<=$end;$year++, $j++){
${"plot".$year}=new BarPlot(${"y".$year});
There are three bar plots plot2013,plot2014,plot2015. All these three are arrays. I want to pass these arrays to jpgraph function given below:
$gbplot = new GroupBarPlot($plots);
but this is not working. But if I am changing it to the one given below, it works
$gbplot = new GroupBarPlot(array($plot2013,$plot2014, $plot2015));
I think that in the second one arrays are passed as arguments where as in first one just array name is passed as string. How can I pass the array created inside the for loop to the jpgraph function?
Not tested, but try the code below.
for($year=$start;$year<=$end;$year++, $j++){
${"plot".$year}=new BarPlot(${"y".$year});
$plots[] = ${"plot".$year};
$gbplot = new GroupBarPlot($plots);