I was wondering is there a way to install the profile(.mobileconfig) via SafariViewController. I'm aware that only Mail.app and Safari.app have the privileges of doing so.
So, if there is way that SafariViewController can handle such request, please let me know.
Thanks, Yathish
As the documents written for SafariViewController(https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/SafariServices/Reference/SFSafariViewController_Ref/index.html), are saying that the SafariViewController is minimizing the work of developers who need to create UIWebView inside the application which need to show the web interface in application.
On the other side Safari.app is a different iceland where things are going on, and our application is a different one. Apple granted different level of permissions to applications. Based on that the Mail.app and the Safari.app are enabled to install the .mobileconfig(configuration files).
As we Apple is very much clear about the functionality of the SafariViewController, they will not allow us to install the .mobileconfig file from out applications with SafariViewController.