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Mapping slug with database entry

In a symfony project, I have a url pattern like this


I can convert this to a sluggified url as


using documentation given in symfony webiste.

But, I don't know further how to map this {slug} to a record in database. Is there any standard way to do this other than creating a slug variable in entity class and storing one in database then retrieving record using that property?


I don't know how symfony is retrieving data from database. My view action is as follows.

 * Finds and displays a Resource entity.
 * @Route("/{slug}", name="resource_show")
 * @Method("GET")
public function showAction(Resource $resource)
    $deleteForm = $this->createDeleteForm($resource);
    return $this->render('resource/show.html.twig', array(
        'resource' => $resource,
        'delete_form' => $deleteForm->createView(),

I just replaced id with slug in controller after making proper modifications in ResourceEntity. Now symfony is automatically retrieving information from database using slug and it is passed to showAction method..


  • What you have mentioned is correct, you should generate a Unique Slug from a String ( Ex: Post Title ) , store it in the DB, and find the Entity by Slug

    Example :

    $obj = $repository->findOneBySlug('test-post');

    if you want to make the process of creating Slug easy and using well tested library , you can use Sluggable behavior extension for Doctrine.