I am trying to right-align some text content in a CellRenderer. Through several searches I found two approaches, but these do not work. With bold-setting, you need to enable this feature first, so I am guessing I also need to enable alignment setting, but have not found how to do this. This runs without exception:
r = Gtk.CellRendererText()
r.props.width_chars = 10
r.set_property('alignment', Pango.Alignment.RIGHT) # no effect
r.props.alignment = Pango.Alignment.RIGHT # no effect
r.props.weight_set = True # not really needed
r.props.weight = Pango.Weight.BOLD # works, output is bold
This is what I guessed from the bold example but does NOT work:
r.props.alignment_set = True
The error is: 'gi._gobject.GProps' object has no attribute 'alignment_set'
Looking at these references I do not find something on GProps:
This resource does say something about alignment, but it is unclear to me how to convert this C code to Python/GObject:
My question is how to fix this problem, where is the ref manual for this PyGObject error message, or how should I code the right-alignment?
Update: I am currently looking at this similar SO question for clues.
As for the comment of TingPing, I looked at the set_alignment() method,and tried these:
r.set_alignment(Pango.Alignment.RIGHT) # error: set_alignment() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
r.set_alignment(200, 0) # no error, no effect
besides this method seems intended to create some pixels padding at the left, which is not what I need: align text to the right of the cell space.
Perhaps the above code is good, but perhaps the CellRenderer() has no intrinsic width, no excess space to put to the left of the content. I thought of this because of thinking of simply left-padding my numberic cell content with spaces. Then I need to decide on the maximum field length. Perhaps the CellRenderer does not 'know' about a default field length. I added a settinge to .props.width_chars
, but this did unfortunately not cause any rignt-alignment.
Through this C example I tried this to right-align:
r.props.xalign = 1.0
and it works! The xalign
is the fraction of free space 0..1.0 to put to the left of the text. The value 0.5 will center the text.