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Nonbreaking colon in Android

I have the following line of text: address:345346943693495349534963 I want this line to always break like this (exact breaking point is not important but it should not be a colon):


On my Android 4.2.2 device it breaks as above, but on Android 6.0 emulator it behaves differently:


How do I make a breaking behavior consistent across all devices?

I get different results when I draw a text on canvas, here's the code (in Scala):

def paint = {
    val newPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG)
    newPaint setTextSize getResources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.text_size)
    newPaint setTypeface Typeface.create("Droid Sans", Typeface.NORMAL)
    newPaint setTextAlign Paint.Align.CENTER
    newPaint setStyle Paint.Style.FILL
    newPaint setColor Color.BLACK

def drawText(canvas: Canvas, text: String, x: Float, baseY: Float) = {
    val layout = new StaticLayout(text, paint, textBounds, ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false)
    val y = baseY - layout.getHeight / 2f
    canvas.translate(x, y)
    layout draw canvas

drawText(canvas, gText, bitmap.getWidth / 2, topSize / 2)


  • It looks like you are looking for the Word Joiner unicode codepoint

    It's also know as Zero Width no-break space (ZWNBSP).

    According to this other question: Zero-width line breaking space for Android

    it should be supported on Android since version 5 (Lollipop). The same goes for soft-hypen (suggested in PhilLab response).

    I would suggest you to try it out, you can write it as ​ in the XML resource string. Put it between the colon and the number.

    If it doesn't work before Lollipop and you need support for previous platform the only other thing I can think about is measuring the text, character by character and, knowing the available width of your view (which you have to compute separately), manually add a new line in the text where you want it to split.

    You can see how the Text measurement works in Android by reading this article:

    Maybe there's a way to do it using Spans too, but I'm not aware of any.