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Different integration results using Monte Carlo vs scipy.integrate.nquad

The MWE below shows two ways of integrating the same 2D kernel density estimate, obtained for this data using the stats.gaussian_kde() function.

The integration is performed for all (x, y) below the threshold point (x1, y1), which defines the upper integration limits (lower integration limits are -infinity; see MWE).

  • The int1 function uses simple a Monte Carlo approach.
  • The int2 function uses the scipy.integrate.nquad function.

The issue is that int1 (ie: the Monte Carlo method) gives systematically larger values for the integral than int2. I don't know why this happens.

Here's an example of the integral values obtained after 200 runs of int1 (blue histogram) versus the integral result given by int2 (red vertical line):

enter image description here

What is the origin of this difference in the resulting integral value?


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
from scipy import integrate

def int1(kernel, x1, y1):
    # Compute the point below which to integrate
    iso = kernel((x1, y1))

    # Sample KDE distribution
    sample = kernel.resample(size=50000)

    # Filter the sample
    insample = kernel(sample) < iso

    # The integral is equivalent to the probability of drawing a
    # point that gets through the filter
    integral = insample.sum() / float(insample.shape[0])

    return integral

def int2(kernel, x1, y1):

    def f_kde(x, y):
        return kernel((x, y))

    # 2D integration in: (-inf, x1), (-inf, y1).
    integral = integrate.nquad(f_kde, [[-np.inf, x1], [-np.inf, y1]])

    return integral

# Obtain data from file.
data = np.loadtxt('data.dat', unpack=True)
# Perform a kernel density estimate (KDE) on the data
kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(data)

# Define the threshold point that determines the integration limits.
x1, y1 = 2.5, 1.5

i2 = int2(kernel, x1, y1)
print i2

int1_vals = []
for _ in range(200):
    i = int1(kernel, x1, y1)
    print i


Notice that this question originated from this answer. At first I didn't notice that the answer was mistaken in the integration limits used, which explains why the results between int1 and int2 are different.

int1 is integrating in the domain f(x,y)<f(x1,y1) (where f is the kernel density estimate), while int2 integrates in the domain (x,y)<(x1,y1).


  • You resample the distribution

    sample = kernel.resample(size=50000)

    and then compute the probability for each sampled point is less than the probability at the bound

    insample = kernel(sample) < iso

    This is incorrect. Consider the bounds (0,100) and assume your data has u=(0,0) and cov=[[100,0],[0,100]]. Points (0,50) and (50,0) have the same probability in this kernel, but only one of them is in the bounds. Since both pass the test, you are over sampling.

    You should be testing whether each point in sample is inside the bounds, then compute the probability. Something like

    def int1(kernel, x1, y1):
        # Sample KDE distribution                                                                                                              
        sample = kernel.resample(size=100)
        include = (sample < np.repeat([[x1],[y1]],sample.shape[1],axis=1)).all(axis=0)
        integral = include.sum() / float(sample.shape[1])
        return integral

    I tested this using the following code

    def measure(n):
        m1 = np.random.normal(size=n)
        m2 = np.random.normal(size=n)
        return m1,m2
    a = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde( np.vstack(measure(1000)) )


    (4.304674927251112e-232, 4.6980863813551415e-230)
    (0.25897626178338407, 1.4536217446381293e-08)

    Monte Carlo integration should work like this

    • Sample N random values (uniformly, not from your distribution) over some subset of the possible values of x/y (below I bound it by 10 SDs from mean).
    • For each random value compute kernel(rand_x,rand_y)
    • Compute the sum and multiply by (volume)/N_samples

    In code:

    def mc_wo_sample(kernel,x1,y1,lboundx,lboundy):
        nsamples = 50000
        volume = (x1-lboundx)*(y1-lboundy)
        # generate uniform points in range                                                                                                     
        xrand = np.random.rand(nsamples,1)*(x1-lboundx) + lboundx
        yrand = np.random.rand(nsamples,1)*(y1-lboundy) + lboundy
        randvals = np.hstack((xrand,yrand)).transpose()
        print randvals.shape
        return (volume*kernel(randvals).sum())/nsamples

    Running the following



    (4.012958496109042e-70, 6.7211236076277e-71)
    (0.37101621760650216, 1.4670898180664756e-08)