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Check if numbers form bell curve (gauss distribution) Python 3

I've got files with irradiance data measured every minute 24 hours a day. So if there is a day without any clouds on the sky the data shows a nice continuous bell curves. When looking for a day without any clouds in the data I always plotted month after month with gnuplot and checked for nice bell curves.

I was wondering If there's a python way to check, if the Irradiance measurements form a continuos bell curve. Don't know if the question is too vague but I'm simply looking for some ideas on that quest :-)


  • For a normal distribution, there are normality tests.

    In short, we abuse some knowledge we have of what normal distributions look like to identify them.

    • The kurtosis of any normal distribution is 3. Compute the kurtosis of your data and it should be close to 3.

    • The skewness of a normal distribution is zero, so your data should have a skewness close to zero

    • More generally, you could compute a reference distribution and use a Bregman Divergence, to assess the difference (divergence) between the distributions. bin your data, create a histogram, and start with Jensen-Shannon divergence.

    With the divergence approach, you can compare to an arbitrary distribution. You might record a thousand sunny days and check if the divergence between the sunny day and your measured day is below some threshold.