I use bootstrap 3 and have a bootstrap-table table with editable cells and resizable columns. For resizing I use extension bootstrap-table-resizable and for cells editing bootstrap-table-editable, which uses x-editable.
Editable cell (textarea with buttons) doesn't overlap neighbour cells. I tried to set z-index
for editable component, but it didn't help.
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" cellspacing="0" id="mainTable" data-click-to-select="true" data-show-toggle="true" data-show-columns="true" data-search="true" data-pagination="true">
<th data-field="name" >Name</th>
<th data-field="stargazers_count">Stars</th>
<th data-field="forks_count" >Forks</th>
<th data-field="description" >Description</th>
$.fn.editable.defaults.mode = 'inline';
var data = [{name: 'ala', stargazers_count: 234, forks_count: 234, description: "asdasdas"},
{name: 'ala', stargazers_count: 234, forks_count: 234, description: "asdasdas"},
{name: 'ala', stargazers_count: 234, forks_count: 234, description: "asdasdas"}]
data: data,
resizable: true
$('tr td').editable({
type: 'textarea',
showbuttons: true
I forgot to add position: relative
. Now it works.
.editable-buttons button{
position: relative;