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Returning instantiated class in php...BigBluebutton

I am new to PHP and trying to a third party code namely Big blue button api

I try to call BigBlueButton->createMeeting() function which looks like this :

public function createMeeting($createMeetingParams, $xml = '')
    $xml = $this->processXmlResponse($this
        ->getCreateMeetingURL($createMeetingParams), $xml);
    //$xml is fine
    return new CreateMeetingResponse($xml);

CreateMeetingResponse class

  namespace BigBlueButton\Responses;

 * Class CreateMeetingResponse
 * @package BigBlueButton\Responses
class CreateMeetingResponse extends BaseResponse
     * @return string
    public function getMeetingId()
        return $this->rawXml->meetingID->__toString();

     * @return string
    public function getAttendeePassword()
        return $this->rawXml->attendeePW->__toString();

     * @return string
    public function getModeratorPassword()
        return $this->rawXml->moderatorPW->__toString();

     * Creation timestamp.
     * @return double
    public function getCreationTime()
        return doubleval($this->rawXml->createTime);

     * @return int
    public function getVoiceBridge()
        return intval($this->rawXml->voiceBridge);

     * @return string
    public function getDialNumber()
        return $this->rawXml->dialNumber->__toString();

     * Creation date at the format "Sun Jan 17 18:20:07 EST 2016".
     * @return string
    public function getCreationDate()
        return $this->rawXml->createDate->__toString();

     * @return true
    public function hasUserJoined()
        return $this->rawXml->hasUserJoined->__toString() == 'true';

     * @return int
    public function getDuration()
        return intval($this->rawXml->duration);

     * @return bool
    public function hasBeenForciblyEnded()
        return $this->rawXml->hasBeenForciblyEnded->__toString() == 'true';

     * @return string
    public function getMessageKey()
        return $this->rawXml->messageKey->__toString();

     * @return string
    public function getMessage()

BaseResponse class

namespace BigBlueButton\Parameters;

 * Class BaseParameters.
abstract class BaseParameters
     * @param $array
     * @return string
    protected function buildHTTPQuery($array)
        return http_build_query(array_filter($array));

     * @return string
    abstract public function getHTTPQuery();

Now when I do call the BigBlueButton->createMeeting() function, I am expecting an object which I can encode to json ,But what I get is this (I have used print_r() here..):

BigBlueButton\Responses\CreateMeetingResponse Object
    [rawXml:protected] => SimpleXMLElement Object
            [returncode] => FAILED
            [messageKey] => idNotUnique
            [message] => A meeting already exists with that meeting ID.  Please use a different meeting ID.


I am not sure what is happening but I think the prefixed namespace 'BigBlueButton\Responses\CreateMeetingResponse Object' is the problem. I want to parse the response I get to an json object in php but cannot

Here is where I try to parse it

function easymeet_create_meeting($id) {
  // Create BBB object
  $bbb = new BigBlueButton\BigBlueButton();

  //creating meeting parameter
  $meetingParas=new BigBlueButton\Parameters\CreateMeetingParameters('123456','sned');

  //Creatign meeting
  return json_encode($bbb->createMeeting($meetingParas)); 
   ///print_r($bbb->createMeeting($meetingParas)) give the xml response shown above



  • The return part looks right. The error you are getting is coming from BigBlueButton->createMeeting()

    You already have created a meeting with the ID you used. Are you generating a new Meeting ID to pass in with the XML when you create a new meeting?


    To be able to json_encode the response you will need to use the getRawXml() function since $rawXml is a protected property of the base class and the rest of the class is just methods. So:

    public function createMeeting($createMeetingParams, $xml = '')
        $xml = $this->processXmlResponse($this
            ->getCreateMeetingURL($createMeetingParams), $xml);
        //$xml is fine
        $resp = new CreateMeetingResponse($xml);
        return $resp->getRawXml();

    Should return just the SimpleXMLElement which you can then json_encode.