I'm making a calculator in c# (winforms) and I was wondering if there is a simple way to calculate a string with multiple calculations in it so for example: if you have the string "124+241/2*5"
let the program calculate it and then get an int output.
Thanks in advance.
Well, you're basically looking for the C# equivalent of Javascript's eval()
I recommend the library NCalc.
var result = new Expression("124+241/2*5").Evaluate()
Another calculating engine would be Jace.NET.
Dictionary<string, double> variables = new Dictionary<string, double>();
variables.Add("var1", 2.5);
variables.Add("var2", 3.4);
CalculationEngine engine = new CalculationEngine();
double result = engine.Calculate("var1*var2", variables);
As of 2024, you may also look at Adletec.Sonic (sonic) which started as a fork of Jace.NET, which is no longer maintained. It can compile expressions dynamically for native execution for high performance.
var expression = "var1*var2";
var variables = new Dictionary<string, double>();
variables.Add("var1", 2.5);
variables.Add("var2", 3.4);
var engine = Evaluator.CreateWithDefaults();
double result = engine.Evaluate(expression, variables); // 8.5
There's also Dynamic Expresso.
var result = new Interpreter().Eval("124+241/2*5");
And you can use Roslyn's ScriptingEngine to evaluate:
Roslyn.Scripting.Session session = roslynEngine.CreateSession();