I am using Class Inheritance Variables in Ruby to keep track of the number of instances I've created so far. To keep my code DRY, I implemented most of the logic in a base class that all my other classes inherit from.
class Entity
@instance_counter = 0
class << self
attr_accessor :instance_counter
def initialize
self.class.instance_counter += 1
This works perfectly fine except for one thing:
I have to define @instance_counter
in each child class, or I will get an NoMethodError
class Child < Entity
@instance_counter = 0
Is there a way to declare the variable in each child automatically so that I don't have to do it manually?
I don't know if this is the best way, but here is how I might do it:
class Entity
singleton_class.send(:attr_writer, :instance_counter)
def self.instance_counter; @instance_counter ||= 0; end
def initialize
self.class.instance_counter += 1