For some reason, Dropbox terminates (crashes or quits) after being online a few days, with no explanation.
I therefore started to research a way for AppleScript
to automatically restart the application when it terminates.
That led me to this script:
delay 120 #Run every two minutes
tell application "System Events"
if name of every process does not contain "Dropbox" then tell application "Dropbox" to launch
end tell
delay 5
end repeat
I also want the script to run in the background, so I implemented my own variant of this Ask Different solution for launchctl
In ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
, I create a file named dropbox-keep-alive.plist
with this content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>/Users/xxx/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~ScriptEditor2/Documents/dropbox-keep-alive.scpt</string>
The path to the AppleScript is given in the <array>
above, and a .job
label for launchutil
is assigned under <key>
I then load the .plist
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/dropbox-keep-alive.plist
And then start it:
launchctl start dropbox-keep-alive.job
For testing, I quit Dropbox and then wait 2+ minutes, but nothing happens.
If I try launchctl load -w
again, I get the message that it's already loaded. launchctl start
gives no response message.
I know that the AppleScript works because it's functional when running it with osascript
directly. But somewhere in the .plist
– or my management of launchctl
– there is something that doesn't work.
I have tried to launchctl unload -w
the script and redo the process. Any ideas?
launchd doesn't do shell-style parsing on strings, so the escapes you have in the path to the script will be interpreted as part of the actual filename... and it will not be found. It should look more like this:
<string>/Users/xxx/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~ScriptEditor2/Documents/dropbox-keep-alive.scpt</string>
I'm not sure this is the only problem, but it certainly is a problem. If further debugging is needed, try capturing the error output from osascript
by adding something like: