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Insert a Sparql Query Into Ontotext GraphDB

I am using Ontotext GraphDB to store semantic data.

GraphDB allows to store/save sparql queries which are exposed as web services. However I want to store/save sparql queries through HTTP POST request. Below is my query and name of the query will be Query-1:

let $Query := fn:concat('PREFIX dc: <http://insert/>
                         INSERT DATA
                    dc:played dc:1234 .
let $EncodeUri  := fn:encode-for-uri($Query)

Can anyone help me to write HTTP-POST request command to save this query in GraphDB? I want to use xdmp:http-post() only.

To get the query result I have used xdmp:http-get('http://localhost:8080//rest/sparql/saved-queries/Query-2') which works fine.


  • You can execute a POST request to store queries. Following example is using curl:

    curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/rest/sparql/saved-queries\
     -H 'Content-Type:application/json'\
     -d '{
         "body": "select * { ?s ?p ?o }",
         "name": "Query-2"

    You can also find more details about the REST API using GraphDB Workbench (Admin -> REST API Documentation)