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How can I get Expand Collapse Panel?

I need a small button and when I press it there should come up a panel with other content inside it. Here is example:

I'm using windows form application. Maybe I should go WPF ?


  • I recently created a user control that was collapsible. Taking some inspiration from here: and other locations

    Basically you add this control onto your form, then attach a panel which should contain all of your subcontrols. Then you assign the Panel control to it like this;

     this.collapsibleControl1.LowerPanel = this.panel1;

    This was just for some small personal project, so it is not tested a lot and might contain some problems. But it should get your started.

    Here is my usercontrol class:

    public partial class CollapsibleControl : UserControl
        #region Declarations
        /// <summary>
        /// Declarations.
        /// </summary>
        private Control m_LowerPanel;
        private int FixedHeight = 150;
        private int CollapsibleIntervalValue = 2;
        private int HeaderHeightValue = 20;
        public delegate void CollapsedStateChangedEventHanlder(ControlState controlState);
        public event CollapsedStateChangedEventHanlder CollapsedStateChanged;
        public enum ControlState { Collapsed, Expanded}
        private ControlState _controlCollaspedState = ControlState.Expanded;
        #region Initialize
        public CollapsibleControl()
        #region Collapsible properties
        [Description("The collasped state of the control, collasped or expanded"), Category("Collapsible Control"), DefaultValueAttribute(ControlState.Expanded)]
        public ControlState ControlCollaspedState
            get { return _controlCollaspedState; }
                this._controlCollaspedState = value;
        [Description("The test to show at the top of the control"), Category("Collapsible Control")]
        public String DisplayText
            get { return this.lblTop.Text; }
            set { this.lblTop.Text = value; }
        [Description("The background color of the text box"), Category("Collapsible Control"), DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "Window")]
        public Color TextBackgroundColor
            get { return this.lblTop.BackColor; }
            set { this.lblTop.BackColor = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        [Description("The panel which will be minimized"), Category("Collapsible Control")]
        public Control LowerPanel
                return this.m_LowerPanel;
                this.m_LowerPanel = value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets/Sets CollapsibleInterval
        /// </summary>
        [Description("The interval determining how long it takes to open and close"), Category("Collapsible Control"), DefaultValueAttribute(2)]
        public int CollapsibleInterval
                return this.CollapsibleIntervalValue;
                this.CollapsibleIntervalValue = value;
        /// <summary>
        /// setting values for Header height
        /// </summary>
        [Description("The height of the header"), Category("Collapsible Control"), DefaultValueAttribute(20)]
        public int HeaderHeight
                return this.HeaderHeightValue;
                this.HeaderHeightValue = value;
                this.lblTop.Height = this.HeaderHeightValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for Collapsible animation.
        /// </summary>
        private void DoCollapsible()
            if (this.m_LowerPanel == null || this.lblTop == null)
            //if expanded
            if (this.m_LowerPanel.Height > this.lblTop.Height)
                FixedHeight = this.m_LowerPanel.Height;
                while (this.m_LowerPanel.Height > this.lblTop.Height)
                    this.m_LowerPanel.Height -= CollapsibleIntervalValue;
                this.lblTop.ImageIndex = 1;
                this.m_LowerPanel.Height = 0;
                //this.ControlCollaspedState = ControlState.Collapsed;
            else if (this.m_LowerPanel.Height < this.lblTop.Height)  //if collapsed
                int x = this.FixedHeight;
                while (this.m_LowerPanel.Height <= (x))
                    this.m_LowerPanel.Height += CollapsibleIntervalValue;
                this.lblTop.ImageIndex = 0;
                this.m_LowerPanel.Height = x;
                //this.ControlCollaspedState = ControlState.Expanded;
            if (this.CollapsedStateChanged != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// CollapsiblePanel usercontrol load event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void  CollapsibleControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.FixedHeight = this.Height;
            this.lblTop.Height = this.HeaderHeightValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// click event for Collapsible image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void lblTop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        /// <summary>
        /// setting values to label width when resizing the control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void CollapsibleControl_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.lblTop.Width = this.Width;