I have a matrix of distances 1024x1024 with all the couple of distances between all the terms. I want to define a graph starting from that. So I defined a minimum spanning tree and I computed the matrix of adjacency on that.
My matrix of distances is distMat
matrix_of_distances <- as.matrix(distMat)
myGraph <- graph.adjacency(matrix_of_distances, weighted=TRUE)
My graph is a graph with all the possible arcs (because the distances between all the couple of terms are a finite value). I need another graph, sparser:
mst <- as.undirected(minimum.spanning.tree(myGraph))
From that sparse graph I can compute the matrix of adjacency with:
adjacency <- as_adjacency_matrix(mst, type = c("both", "upper", "lower"), attr = NULL, edges = FALSE, names = TRUE, sparse =igraph_opt("sparsematrices"))
Now I want to create the matrix adjacency differently, passing another minimum spanning tree object. Suppose I have created another spanning tree:
spt <- spantree(matrix_of_distances)
If I do:
adjacency <- as_adjacency_matrix(spt, type = c("both", "upper", "lower"), attr = NULL, edges = FALSE, names = TRUE, sparse =igraph_opt("sparsematrices"))
I get the error:
Error in as_adjacency_matrix(spt, type = c("both", "upper", "lower"), : Not a graph object
Again, I'm trying to generate a matrix of adjacency from a minimum spanning tree. How can I solve that?
The error comes from your using function as_adjacency_matrix
on an object of class spantree
when it expects an igraph
Since you are using igraph
, one simple solution would be to compute the minimum spanning tree from your original "distance graph" with igraph
's function mst
Here is how spantree
computes the minimum spanning tree:
dis <- vegdist(dune)
tr <- spantree(dis)
The result is the following tree (plot(tr, type="t")
You could get the same result only with igraph
g <- graph.adjacency(as.matrix(dis), weighted=TRUE)
g_mst <- mst(g)
And the resulting tree looks like this (plot(g_mst, vertex.color=NA, vertex.size=10, edge.arrow.size=0.5)
Once you have your igraph
tree, you already know that you can transform it into an adjacency matrix with function as_adjacency_matrix
A <- as_adjacency_matrix(mst)