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SQL pass-through SAS/ SAS EG - return a table

Case: I want to run a SQL pass-through from SAS and I want an output in my work libary.

Problem: The log tells me everything is fine but there is no dataset output? I am a big rookie on this area - please help.

Proc sql;

connect to odbc as mydb
    (dsn=x user=x password=x);

execute (  
DECLARE @return_value int 
EXEC    fpt.usp_Marcus_Buy_and_Sell_amounts
@Country ='DK',
@Date ='2016-01-01', 

SELECT  'Return Value' = @return_value 

        ) by mydb;



  • So far you are only asking SAS to execute a query in the Database. To get a table back to your SAS work library you will need to include a create table statement on the SAS side.


    Proc sql;
    connect to odbc as mydb
        (dsn=x user=x password=x);
    create table mydb_return as select * 
           from connection to mydb
             ( EXEC fpt.usp_Marcus_Buy_and_Sell_amounts
                @Country ='DK',
                @Date ='2016-01-01', 
    disconnect from mydb;

    edit: changed statement according to the comments