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Add custom method and view to entity with EasyAdminBundle

I'm new to symfony and I'm using esayAdminBundle on one of my project and I would like to call a custom method and a custom render inside the list view.

The custom view is easy but my problem it's sending data to this block, did I need to use custom action or something else ? I'm lost on this one.

The final view is the entity list on top and my custom render below.

If anyone of you have a solution I'm here to read it ;)

Thanks !


  • There are at least two ways to solve this:

    1) You can override the default list.html.twig template (entirely or just for one specific entity, as explained here: and then put a render(controller(...)) call in that template to execute your controller.

    2) You could create a custom menu item that points to a specific route of your application (as explained here: In that controller you execute anything you need and the result is to render a custom template which again extends from the default list.html.twig (to not lose the "list" feature and after that you put your own code).