I am writing a mac application that uses the scripting bridge to control iTunes. I have generated the header file iTunes.h, and the SBApplication object can tell me all kinds of wonderful things.
However, the commands seem very limited. There is a 'playpause' function, but I see no way to do this
// iTunes is my SBApplication Object [iTunes play:@"Smoke On The Water"];
The Applescript to do this is the fairly simple
tell iTunes play songName
and this Scripting bridge is supposed to be the super cool and powerful way for me to control scriptable objects in Objective C, so what am I missing here?
Search the web for equivalent AppleScript snippets or view iTune's scripting dictionary in the AppleScript Editor app. Then translate the resulting script into scripting bridge commands. A possible AppleScript equivalent is:
tell application "iTunes"
play first item of (search first library playlist for "Smoke On The Water")
end tell
P.S. You might find objc-appscript easier to work with for this (or, if Objective C is not a requirement, its cousins, py-appscript or rb-appscript).