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dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Alamofire.framework/Versions/A/Alamofire Reason: image not found

I'm using CocoaPods v0.36 with my Swift project and the following pods: Alamofire, CocoaLumberjack, SwiftyJSON.

Everything was fine till I used my Developer ID. Compiler started to have problems to compile the project, after some fixes and updates for CocoaPods my project compiles but at runtime I get the following error:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Alamofire.framework/Versions/A/Alamofire   
Referenced from: /Users/Ivan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myApp-bsxfcnwqpaxnzbhencwzteasshzf/Build/Products/Debug/  
Reason: image not found

I read different posts related to this:

But none seems to solve the issue.

The only clue that I have is that the 3 frameworks are in red, so it seems that are not generated/linked.

enter image description here

Now, I've removed my Developer ID, but the issue is still there. Does anybody have an idea?


  • Solved Below the steps I did:

    • pod deintegrate, pod update, pod install
    • Reimported the three swift library files (generated by cocoapods)
    • Imported the three frameworks only in the Linked Frameworks and Libraries
    • Full clean and a build