I'm trying to make an endpoint for my GAE application, where I can problematically send a POST request with a CSV file (as a form) from a client, and then the server will receive it, and store it in Datastore. However, when I try to send a large file, it times out. It seems that the max URL fetch timeout is 59.9 seconds, and that's where it fails.
class CostTest(ndb.Model):
pickUp = ndb.StringProperty()
amount = ndb.StringProperty()
def post(self):
self.response.write("part 1")
print self.request.get('type')
check_values = self.request.POST.getall('file')
array = list(csv.reader(check_values))
for c in array:
pickup, amount = c
entry = CostTest(pickUp=pickup,
#print c
self.response.write("part 2")
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/csv/order', CsvFileLoader),
('/csv/kiosk', CsvFileLoader)
], debug=True)
The file that I'm using to test has ~4600 rows, however, it's unable to load them all! I tried using Blobstore, however I cannot figure out how to get a file from a POST request (if at all possible?). It seems like the only way to store into blob store is through a user submitted form!
Thanks for the help, in advance.
The problem with your code is not "load them all", but you're doing 4600 synchronous puts! If you batch all of them and use ndb.put_multi, I believe it works. A python script can replicate submitted form, what problem do you have with uploading to blobstore?