I'm kind of reverse engineering the my DB for business purposes, I'll keep this short and simple.I have two tables(a_visit,b_visit) and bridging table(a_to_b_visit) with foreign key id's from both. I need to duplicate insert into A_visit,b_visit based on the budget_id with new budget id and also handle the bridging table relationships.How do I handle the id's or insert records into bridging tables as well dynamically.For example I'll be inserting new records into using pl/sql into table A_visit,b_visit.
insert into a_visit
select new_seq_id,<new budget_id>,<other columns> from a_visit where budget_id=10
insert into b_visit
select new_seq_id,<new budget_id>,<other columns> from b_visit where budget_id=10
insert into a_b_visit
select new_seq_id,a_visit_id,b_visit_id from a_to_b_visit
where a_visit_id= old_a_id=<> and b_visit_id=old_b_id
(I'll be getting budget_id dynamically from other procedure).
id, budget_id
1, 10
2, 10
id, budget_id
4, 10
5, 10
1, 1,4
2, 2,4
I'm trying to solve above through pl/sql , I'm stuck on mapping newly generated one with the existing in bridging. Please advice!!.HopeI did not confuse much
Was able to fix by recording the id'd in bridging temporary table and updating the id later in the loop.