I have a daemon script and I'm trying to keep it simple by avoiding threads.
When i ctrl-c or kill pid, the "system" call is exited, but exitFunction isn't called.
declare(ticks = 100);
function exitFunction($signo) {
global $pidFile, $exit;
echo "Daemon is exiting (signal: $signo). Removing pidFile: $pidFile\n";
$exit = true;
//create the signal handler and shutdown function
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, "exitFunction");
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "exitFunction");
//create the pid file with our command
file_put_contents($pidFile, posix_getpid());
echo "pid: " . posix_getpid() . "\n";
echo "Time to start!\n";
while(!$exit) {
echo "running $command...\n";
system($command, $return);
echo "done $command\n";
if($return) {
echo "didn't find any domains with command, so sleeping for 60...\n";
You'll need to add declare(ticks=1);
as the first line in your script. A more detailed explanation of what ticks actually are can be found here.