I am using coreplot to draw a scatter plot like that:
I use 4 different plots (as coloured) and create a "bar like" feeling by adding 0-value points at the beginning/end of each "bar". I want to determine which bar was selected by the user and then change alphas of other plots.
I've tried using
-(BOOL)plotSpace:(CPTPlotSpace *)space shouldHandlePointingDeviceDownEvent:(id)event atPoint:(CGPoint)point {
//here I translate the selected point to Data points coordinates
//and check which of the plot sources has value >0 (that means bar is visible)
//and is closest to the selected point
This method works, but when I want to scroll the data, the method above is called as well.
There must be some easier solution to do that. Thanks.
Return YES
from your delegate method to inform the plot space that you've taken action on the event and it does not need to start the scroll. You may need to handle the other events, too, so your app can differentiate between a tap and a drag.