I have my xml like :
<URLS xmlns:"http://www.example.com">
I want to store all the forward urls in an array.
I tried doing this :
let urlcount=$(sed -e "s/xmlns/ignore/" /tmp/in.xml | xmllint --xpath "count(//forwardUrl/value)" -)
declare -a urls=()
for((i=1; i <= $urlcount; i++)); do
echo $i
urls[$i]=$(sed -e "s/xmlns/ignore/" /tmp/in.xml | xmllint --xpath '//forwardUrl/value["$i"]/text()' -)
But when I do echo ${urls[7]}
, it prints all the values.
I want to store different urls in different indexes. Please help me with this.
How about something like this using only sed
$ cat file1
<URLS xmlns:"http://www.example.com">
$ declare -a array=($(sed -n '/\s*<forwardUrl>/,/<\/forwardUrl>/p' file1 | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e '/^\s*$/d' -e 's/\s*//g'))
$ echo "${array[0]}"
$ echo "${array[1]}"
$ echo "${array[2]}"
$ echo "${array[3]}"
$ echo "${array[@]}"
http://www.example1.com:80 http://www.example2.com:80 http://www.example3.com:80 http://www.example4.com:80
Expression breakdown:
declare -a array=($(sed -n '/\s*<forwardUrl>/,/<\/forwardUrl>/p' file1 | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e '/^\s*$/d' -e 's/\s*//g'))
sed -n '/\s*<forwardUrl>/,/<\/forwardUrl>/p' file1
to print lines in between lines that match <forwardUrl>
and at </forwardUrl>
(both inclusive)sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e '/^\s*$/d' -e 's/\s*//g'
1st expression deletes all tags, 2nd deletes all empty lines(having spaces) and last expression just removes all spaces Edit 1:
$ cat file1
<URLS xmlns:"http://www.example.com">
$ declare -a array=($(sed -n '/\s*<forwardUrl>/,/<\/forwardUrl>/p' file1 | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e '/^\s*$/d' -e 's/\s*//g'))
$ echo "${array[0]}"
$ echo "${array[@]}"
http://www.sun.com:80 http://www.example2.com:80 http://www.example3.com:80 http://www.example4.com:80