i have quickform once the submit button clicked, this method is fired
submitPost: function (app) {
check(app, {
title: String,
description: String,
category: String,
price: Number
var knownId = Products.insert(app);
Products.update({ _id: knownId }, { $set:{screenShots: scs, previewImage: pi, sourceCode: zip }});
the submit button wasn't working when i didn't give "screenShots, previewImage, and sourceCode" a default values in a collection.
Once i gave them a default value like it is shown below
previewImage: {
type: String,
defaultValue: "jjj",
sourceCode: {
type: String,
defaultValue: "jjj",
screenShots: {
type: [String],
autoValue: function() {
return [];
now the submit button in the form is working and the update method is triggered. it updates both "previewImage and sourcCode" but "screenShots" is still empty.
am not sure but i believe the problem has to do with autoValue which i should make it a default value, but how do i give an element that of type array of string a default value?
or the problem has to do with something else?
use optional: true
in the schema if the value is optional, and it will pass check if it is empty.