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SQLAlchemy Eager Loading with Relationships

trying (and failing) to wrap my head around how to use SQLAlchemy in the following scenario:

Assume I have a Database such that:

A has a (one -> many) relationship to B

B has a (one -> many) relation to C

If I want to loop through all the B's given an A, I can do:

for b in
    print "hello"

If I want to loop through all C's that indirectly belong to A, I can do:

for b in
    for c in b.cs:
        print "hello"

However, I am aware that each iteration of the outer-most loop would perform a fresh SQL query.

I am of the understanding that I can use subqueryload to prevent this from happening by doing:

for b in session.query( b ).options( subqueryload( B.c ) ).filter_by( B.a_id == ):
    for c in b.cs:
        print "hello"

Is that the tidiest way to do it?

Is there not some syntax that lets me start from the actual 'a' object. Perhaps something like:

for b in subqueryload( B.c ) ):

Many thanks in advance for your help


  • You can subqueryload an arbitrary join path like this:


    This uses three queries and will load A.b, and B.c for every B in A.b.