Im making a lot of plots in R and a part of my code looks like this:
plot(x=0,y=0, type="n", ylim=c(0,250), xlim=c(0,8), bty="n", main = "Line 20 male 3 sec rep 2",
xlab = "Concentration", ylab = "MM above buttom")
fc <- levels(dat20m2$Conc)
for(i in 1:length(fc)){
tmp <- dat20m2[dat20m2$Conc==fc[i],]
abline(lm(t30.sum~as.integer(Conc),data=dat20m2), lty=2)
My x axis is from 0:8 but what i would like it to be is A, B, C, D, E, X, Y and i can make it work with the alphabet but when i wanna jump some letters i get into troubles. Can someone help me with that?
plot(x=0,y=0, type="n", ylim=c(0,250), xlim=c(0,8), bty="n", main = "Line 20 male 3 sec rep 2",
xlab = "Concentration", ylab = "MM above buttom", xaxt="n")
## added xaxt="n"
## and the axis code below
fc <- levels(dat20m2$Conc)
for(i in 1:length(fc)){
tmp <- dat20m2[dat20m2$Conc==fc[i],]
abline(lm(t30.sum~as.integer(Conc),data=dat20m2), lty=2)
I got the answer from here and I've amended your code by adding the two parts described by the double pound signs. Hope this helps.