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How much code can be re-used from Xamarin Android to Xamarin Windows

I am wondering if someone can help me with my question about Xamarin apps.

Let's say I would have to develop an Android application in Xamarin. Because of the app's nature I would have to develop it as Xamarin Android since Xamarin Forms would not work with Zebra's EMDK(3rd party library). If Windows 10 mobile get's more traction there could be a requirement to use this application also on Windows phones.

How much of code that I would write for Xamarin Android could be reused in future for Xamarin Windows app? Has anyone ever done something similar?


  • As a general rule of thumbs, you can expect to have to rewrite the views of your application if you're going to use an MVVM library.

    What is not clear to me is why you can't use Zebra's EMDK for Xamarin with Xamarin Forms.
    I've partners using it, here's a sample I've put together that explain the basics.

    Disclaimer: I work for Zebra Technologies on the development tools

    Note: I no longer work for Zebra
    For question on Zebra's EMDKs a good option is Zebra's developer portal