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vim closetag plugin indent next line

For a function, it would be something like

function {

I'm using the vim-closetag plugin, which works fine, but for tags such as head which is often styled like such,


vim-closetag doesn't automatically do this, instead it does


Some tags are fine like this, but can I map a command to style the tag like the previous style, line between open and close tag.

Right now I have to manually format it


  • In C&C++, I have { expanded in to {|}. I insert the two \n only when I hit enter from within a pair of curly-brackets. This way I can decide when I want to go to a new line, or when want oneliners.

    You should be able to do the same with html/xml tags.

    inoremap <buffer> <expr> <cr> getline(".")[col(".")-2:col(".")-1]=="><" ? "<cr><esc>O" : "<cr>"

    (to be defined in a ftplugin)