This should be an easy one.
map("world", projection = "mercator", wrap = TRUE)
map("world", projection = "cylequalarea", param = 45, wrap = TRUE)
map("world", projection = "albers", parameters = c(lat0 = 0, lat1 = 0), wrap = TRUE)
map("world", projection = "lambert", parameters = c(lat0 = 0, lat1 = 0), wrap = TRUE)
The first three projections work, but the last one doesn't -- it just shows the Mercator projection. What am I doing wrong?
I know I can use spTransform
to actually do the projection, but I was hoping for something simpler.
You just need to adjust your standard parallels on LCC to get it to look conical
map("usa", projection = "mercator", wrap = TRUE)
map("usa", projection = "cylequalarea", param = 45, wrap = TRUE)
map("usa", projection = "albers", parameters = c(lat0 = 0, lat1 = 0), wrap = TRUE)
map("usa", projection = "lambert", parameters = c(lat0 = 20, lat1 = 50), wrap = TRUE)