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How to add XY-line to bar chart creating a multitype chart with another axis?

Just wondering if there would be a possibility to create such a Jasper report chart that would be a combination of many chart types?

In my case I would like to combine Bar Chart and XY Line on two different axis. I already have a following kind of bar chart ready:

enter image description here

Ideally I would be able to add one XY-line in the same chart as well, which would present the cumulative value of the sum of all hour types for each month.See picture at the end. I have a feeling that this is not possible, and maybe I just should create a separate chart for the XY-line? enter image description here


  • This is follow up on this question How to populate chart data with JavaBeans collection dataSet? (see my answer to understand further details if you like a simple bar chart and use the series expression dynamically)

    To achieve a multi axis chart you should use <multiAxisChart> and it will become a little bit more complicated. We can not use the dynamic seriesExpression anymore and need to define each series manually, therefore I will use your original bean but still in a separated datasource.

    Java bean

    public class WorkingHours {
        private int month = 0;
        private double hoursNormal = 0;
        private double hoursTravel = 0;
        private double hoursOvertime = 0;
        private double hoursTotalCumulative = 0;
        public WorkingHours(int month, double hoursNormal, double hoursTravel, double hoursOvertime, double hoursTotalCumulative) {
            this.month = month;
            this.hoursNormal = hoursNormal;
            this.hoursTravel = hoursTravel;
            this.hoursOvertime = hoursOvertime;
            this.hoursTotalCumulative = hoursTotalCumulative;
        //getter and setter

    Fill with data (use your logic) and pass as java.util.List in parameter

    List<WorkingHours> list = new ArrayList<WorkingHours>();
    list.add(new WorkingHours(1, 2.3, 1.2, 2.1,4.1));
    list.add(new WorkingHours(2, 5.3, 2.2,3, 9.1));
    list.add(new WorkingHours(3, 3.1, 0.5, 2.0, 20.5));
    Map<String, Object> paramMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    paramMap.put("CHART_DATA", list);

    The report (jrxml)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jasperReport xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" name="working_hours" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" whenNoDataType="AllSectionsNoDetail" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20" uuid="1a12c021-57e2-4482-a273-56cbd3f78a17">
        <property name="ireport.zoom" value="1.0"/>
        <property name="ireport.x" value="0"/>
        <property name="ireport.y" value="0"/>
        <subDataset name="chartDataSet" uuid="119b7f0e-01ef-4e2b-b628-d76f51e83768">
            <field name="month" class="java.lang.Integer"/>
            <field name="hoursNormal" class="java.lang.Double"/>
            <field name="hoursTravel" class="java.lang.Double"/>
            <field name="hoursOvertime" class="java.lang.Double"/>
            <field name="hoursTotalCumulative" class="java.lang.Double"/>
        <parameter name="CHART_DATA" class="java.util.List" isForPrompting="false"/>
            <band height="282" splitType="Stretch">
                    <chart evaluationTime="Report">
                        <reportElement x="62" y="17" width="419" height="235" uuid="8a16251e-8c1a-4384-8487-9be8f6c274e5"/>
                        <chartLegend position="Right"/>
                        <axis position="rightOrBottom">
                                <chart evaluationTime="Report">
                                    <reportElement positionType="Float" x="0" y="25" width="270" height="175" backcolor="#FFFFFF" uuid="4a755d76-1350-4921-a0be-20ae9e485e12"/>
                                    <chartTitle color="#000000"/>
                                    <chartSubtitle color="#000000"/>
                                    <chartLegend textColor="#000000" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" position="Right"/>
                                        <datasetRun subDataset="chartDataSet" uuid="abec2dce-b670-4e84-b71f-469d954dbcb5">
                                        <seriesExpression><![CDATA["Total Cum"]]></seriesExpression>
                                <linePlot isShowLines="true" isShowShapes="true">
                                        <seriesColor seriesOrder="0" color="#9900CC"/>
                                    <valueAxisLabelExpression><![CDATA["Total Cum"]]></valueAxisLabelExpression>
                                        <axisFormat labelColor="#000000" tickLabelColor="#000000" tickLabelMask="#,##0" axisLineColor="#000000"/>
                                <chart evaluationTime="Report">
                                    <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="0" height="0" backcolor="#FFFFFF" uuid="723abd06-b593-422a-b679-043084525a8c"/>
                                    <chartTitle color="#000000"/>
                                    <chartSubtitle color="#000000"/>
                                    <chartLegend textColor="#000000" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" position="Right"/>
                                        <datasetRun subDataset="chartDataSet" uuid="abec2dce-b670-4e84-b71f-469d954dbcb5">
                                        <axisFormat labelColor="#000000" tickLabelColor="#000000" tickLabelMask="#,##0" axisLineColor="#000000"/>

    Key points:

    We use <multiAxisChart> with 2 <axis> on one the <lineChart> on the other <barChart>, for the <barChart> we define every <categorySeries> separately.



    For more demos on chart see this: Jasper Reports Chart Samples